Sirius Shine Vehicle Tracking Company
Sirius shine vehicle Tracking Company has been stablished and started operation in Afghanistan in 2023 by obtaining official license from ministry of Trade and commerce, in agreement of below Ministries and organization.
- Ministry of Interior.
- Ministry of Telecommunication and Technology.
- ATRA (Afghanistan Telecom Regulatory Authority)
As it is visible from the name of the company it gives tracking solution, real time tracking, fleet management Software and services to our Respected customers. We use from latest technology and leverage custom fleet management software, our software and web application allow real time tracking globally and you would experience perfect asset and fleet management systems at a reasonable price. We use from the standard GPSs devices and systems which is already used in more than 100 countries of the world. The company is stablished by afghans and is committed to develop the business with honesty and quality. We would present you more information in separate and related sections.